After clicking on the "Exchange" button, the last step of swap confirmation opens.

Exchange rate - the price of the currency you receive in relation to the currency you exchange.

The button "Back to History" returns back to the history page, where the swap has already been created with the status "New".

A transaction is created to withdraw the currency that you exchange and a transaction to replenish the currency that you receive.

After that, the swap goes into the "Done" status.

For a swap, the user pays a fee for the miner and the system fee. As for a withdrawal transaction.

If a user tries to exchange more funds than is possible, taking into account the commissions, he will receive an error message, which will indicate the maximum possible amount of the current swap and the amount by which he needs to replenish the balance in order to complete the current swap. The message also contains the amount required to pay the Miner Fee.

Last updated